Spiritual message from Tarashis Gangopadhyay

Spiritual message from Tarashis Gangopadhyay

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Love for love

                        Love for love

It is often seen that people love to love.They love to love beautiful ladies,they love to love handsome smart men.They start a partnership by repeating "I LOVE YOU" from time to time and then after going a few steps suddenly they discover that their relationship has lost all the love of it.You can ask, "Why?Does love change with time?" Excuse me.I don't feel so.I just feel they got infatuated to the other  maybe due to their physical wealth but never tried to feel the mind of the other.They never loved at all.Because one cannot think and fall in love.Love just happens.And when love truly happens, it happens during those moments of internal silence when nobody has to speak for their love.One heart just feel the love of the other because it is an experience of the self in another heart.When this happens there can be no mind that filters it out or dilutes it down into meaningless garbage which happens to most love relationships. So love is not all about expressions - it is to feel the inexpressible in the heart .I believe - love is all about empowering our ego which gets satisfied by controlling others.If we wish to allow true love to our heart we will have to do this first - eradicate the wish to conquer other's hearts and control them for satisfying our ego.If we can do this little thing our life will be full of love.
                                  Tarashis Gangopadhyay

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Dont hate the mistakes of others.

 Dont hate the mistakes of others.

We human beings are the bundle of mistakes.We are used to do this mistakes so often.And the strange fact is - we also love ourselves in spite of these mistakes.So why do we want to see others devoid of flaws?Won't they have the right to commit mistakes?Or do we believe that mistakes are our personal property?My suggestion is - never hate human beings for committing the mistakes.Instead stay by their side.Try to help them with love and blessings so that they can get rid of their mistakes.That's what we should do.We should take their mistakes as our chance to help them to get rid of this.
                                     Tarashis Gangopadhyay

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Admire them..

              Admire them..

There are two types of people in our lives whom we need to admire.We should admire them for the love and kindness they shower upon us without any interest of their own.The 1st group find out the time for us in their busy schedule.We need to respect them and be grateful for their kindness.But the 2nd group is very rare - they never look at their own schedule when we need them.Whatever the position may be, whatever the time,they remain close to our heart in all respects.So they should be loved from the bottom of their heart.

Monday, 11 November 2013

How can I be happy

       How can I be happy
     One of my reader today asked me,"How can I be happy?".
     I told her," Just draw yourself away from the rat-race to get something more.Craving for more will never make you happy.If you want more,you will have more but your mind will again crave for more.So there is no satisfaction in "more".So just try to acquire the necessities of life and then try to make yourself satisfied.That is the essence of happiness.To be happy you must appreciate what you already have. Just do this simple thing and you will be happy for sure."
-Tarashis Gangopadhyay

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Leave "লাভ" ,live " LOVE "

To be happy in life concentrate in L - Leave "লাভ" ,live " LOVE ". Forsake the path which craves towards material profit and take the path of love.You will have to leave matreial profit i.e "লাভ" in Bengali in some day or other,but Love will take you to the ultimate goal.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Proof of Ramsetu

There is a prominent proof of Ramsetu joining India and Sri Lanka.Lets have a look on the Nasa research about it..
Space images taken by NASA reveal a mysterious ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The recently discovered bridge currently named as Adam’s Bridge is made of chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long.

The bridge’s unique curvature and composition by age reveals that it is man made. The legends as well as Archeological studies reveal that the first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to the a primitive age, about 1,750,000 years ago and the bridge’s age is also almost equivalent.

This information is a crucial aspect for an insight into the mysterious legend called Ramayana, which was supposed to have taken place in treta yuga (more than 1,700,000 years ago).

In this epic, there is a mentioning about a bridge, which was built between Rameshwaram (India) and Srilankan coast under the supervision of a dynamic and invincible figure called Rama who is supposed to be the incarnation of the supreme.

This information may not be of much importance to the archeologists who are interested in exploring the origins of man, but it is sure to open the spiritual gates of the people of the world to have come to know an ancient history linked to the Indian mythology.

Rama’s Bridge, chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long, in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. At high tide it is covered by c. 4 ft (1.2 m) of water. A steamer ferry links Rameswaram, India, with Mannar, Sri Lanka. According to Hindu legend, the bridge was built to transport Rama, hero of the Ramayana, to the island to rescue his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Happy Bijaya

Happy Bijaya to all my friends across the globe.In this puja I was invited by 91.9 FRIENDS FM of All India Radio(sponsored by the Telegraph group) to discuss in the spiritual matters about Durgapuja and about our sadhna in the spiritual world.The name of the programme was VABSAGORER TEERE BOSEY.The celebrity RJ who took my interview was Trisha Bose,daughter of 2 celebrities Pandit Kumar Bose and Kaberi Bose.She herself is also a great singer in the field of Kirtan.My interview was taken in Bengali in Mahasaptomi and Mahashtomi..in Shoshthee and Doshomee the interview was taken of the celebrity singer and saint Srikumar Chattopadhyay and Kaberi Bose.The download links are given below..click the links,download free and hear our discussion.

১) মহাসপ্তমীর অনুষ্ঠানটির free download link - এতে রয়েছে আমার exclusive সাক্ষাত্কার দুর্গাপূজা ও নানা বিষয়ে আমার নানা মত সম্বন্ধে - অনুষ্ঠানটি ডাউনলোড করার জন্যে নীচের ছবিটিতে click করুন -


২) মহাষ্টমীর অনুষ্ঠানটির free download link - এতে রয়েছে আমার exclusive সাক্ষাত্কার দুর্গাপূজা ও নানা বিষয়ে আমার নানা মত সম্বন্ধে -
অনুষ্ঠানটি ডাউনলোড করার জন্যে নীচের ছবিটিতে click করুন -

৩) দশমীর অনুষ্ঠানটির free download link - এতে আছে শ্রীকুমার চট্টোপাধ্যায় ও কাবেরী বোসের সাক্ষাত্কার পুরনো কলকাতার পূজা সম্বন্ধে এবং সেইসাথে আমার অল্প একটু বিশ্লেষণ theme পূজা নিয়ে।
অনুষ্ঠানটি ডাউনলোড করার জন্যে নীচের ছবিটিতে click করুন -

৪) ষষ্ঠীর অনুষ্ঠানটির free download link - এতে আছে শ্রীকুমার চট্টোপাধ্যায় ও কাবেরী বোসের সাক্ষাত্কার পুরনো কলকাতার পূজা সম্বন্ধে। অনুষ্ঠানটি ডাউনলোড করার জন্যে নীচের ছবিটিতে click করুন -

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Tarashis Gangopadhyay's book openning - Debloker Amritosandhane by his s...

Tarashis Gangopadhyay's book openning - Debloker Amritosandhane by his saint father Sri Bipul Kumar Gangopadhyay

Tarashis Gangopadhyay's book openning - Debloker Amritosandhane by his s...

Tarashis Gangopadhyay's book openning - Debloker Amritosandhane by his saint father Sri Bipul Kumar Gangopadhyay

Tarashis Gangopadhyay's book openning - Debloker Amritosandhane by his s...

Tarashis Gangopadhyay's book openning - Debloker Amritosandhane by his saint father Sri Bipul Kumar Gangopadhyay

Thursday, 19 September 2013


A good news for all my Bengali readers in abroad..my first e book ANANTER JIGYASA has been published in the internet.The price of the book is U.S. $ 5.00..those who wish to buy it, send an e mail to jaymatarapublishers@gmail.com or tarashisfans@gmail.com..or click this link to get the book in facebook..
http://www.facebook.com/jaymatarapublisher?fref=ts u will get the e book soon.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Make Lord your coach

                                   Make Lord your coach

We all like sports in some form of others.. The rush I had everytime I practice or played or watched cricket. You can say I breathed cricket in the Ganguly era when cricket was a fair game! It was a sport that was like a controlled fight! I had my heart in the game when I played it .. I could remember when I got hurt from the bouncers of the opponent bowlers in the game. Bloods came out from the wounds.At that time I felt the pain but there was something deep within me said," Never give up.. Never give in!It is the path of victory and without shedding this blood I can't reach there.."So I push myself to be ready for the next over to play.. And I succeeded.Do you know why?? I always surrender myself to my lord Gopala and carry on trying..So I never failed,not for my qualities but for my surrender..Even now when I feel myself in pain,I surrender to Him and try my best to move forward..So I will advice you to do the same thing..Take your Lord,whom you preach as your coach and move forward.. You would always win.. With Lord as your coach and your complete surrender to Him,you cannot fail..

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Find out our real self

We all human beings are conditioned with the time factor..but just like a mass of clouds has no knowledge of the powerful wind, a person has no knowledge of this time..in our world we often get deprived of a lot of things that we think may bring us happiness and because of this we lament since by ignorance we think that the temporality of having a home, land and wealth for the sake of our ego-centred body, would be permanent..since we find our satisfaction in this worldly existence we embrace our sorrows.. even physically living in hell we, in truth are deluded by the illusory material potency of God, and still do not want to give up our hellish pleasures.. with our false self i.e ego, wife, children, home and wealth deeply rooted in our heart, we think of ourselves as being a great success.. but is it a success??Rather I will say it a failure..Try to seek what is the true purpose of our life..try to find out that we are not this body of flesh and blood..we are the soul present in this shell..So try to work for the betterment of your soul and dont get grabbed 24 X 7 by the eartly purposes..It will not make you happy..rather it will destroy your happiness..So try to be happy in the real sense of the term and for this try to jump within yourself..try to find out your real existance..for that is what you need to get..

Monday, 12 August 2013

Are we deprived?

At some stage of life,we generally feel that God has deprived us of something or other..But why don't we try to feel that He has given us a lot more than we deserve..He has created us in His own image..He has given us all the qualities that are required to become the master of the universe..He has even blessed us with the qualities - if we can nurture them by sadhna we can become God ourselves..Why do we forget that God is present within us but in the sleep mode and what we have to do is to activate Him within ourselves by sadhna? So,now put ur hand in ur chest and answer my question - r we really deprived by God?

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Sixteen - Who am I?

              Who am I ?

    It is a common feature in our life that whenever we come in contact with a person a question is raised about making him or her aware of my identity. But what is this identity?
    Take my example.If I say " I am Tarashis Gangopadhyay,the descendant of Bhagwan Gangopadhyay,the Guruji of respected Loknath Baba,is it my identity?"No,this is not. If I say,"I am the disciple and son of Sri Bipul Kumar Gangopadhyay,the author of so many books and a well known guru",is it my identity?No,it is not. All these are the advantages which came to me for this birth.My identity is my work.
    But even then,if I say,"I am the author of 17 spiritual books then will it be my identity?"No,it will be my pride. My identity is not my boasting as these works are all done by my Lord Gopala and he used me as a pen for this works.My identity is my sadhna.
     I am not Tarashis Gangopadhyay,a name.I am part and parcel of the divine soul.I had so many names in the prevous births.But do I remember them?No.After the death of this body,this name will also be forgotten.What will stay then?Nothing other than my work. 
   God has given me some responsibilities as also to others to fulfill in this world.So we should carry them out.This divine purpose is my identity.No matter,how many people love me/envy me/hate me for my spiritual works,it is the spiritual benefit of my readers which they feel from reading my books -that is my divine purpose.I am born for this - I am born to share my experiences with all those who love divine light so that they will find a friend and philosopher in me under the guidance of my God..I will do my utmost to help them - that is my objective of life.I am just a soul who is travelling to the path of God wearing this name and a body of flesh and blood. 
   All are welcome to my heart.I am not limited by any religion,not limited by any dogmas,not limited by any class distinction.All souls are equal to me.But I will held the hand of only those who loves God and seeks Him from the deepest bottom of their heart.I will help them to move forward,as per my little strength,that was showered upon me.If I can fulfill their purpose,my purpose will be automatically served.
     A day will come when there will be no Tarashis Gangopadhyay,but the soul will be there who at present reside in this body of clay and mud and he will carry on the mantle which this name will leave after the death of the body.I am the atman,the part and parcel of the Supreme parmatman moving to be one with Him in all respect and also to help others also in this purpose.That is me.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Eight - Banalinga

                    Bana Linga

    Bana Linga is the Divine Sacred Symbol of Lord Shiva. It has within it the highestfrequency of vibrations (compared to any stone on Earth) and appears from the cradles of River Narmada. The Bana Lingas are Swayambhu Shiva Lingas that have taken shape in the Sacred Narmada River.For this reason, the Bana Lingams are also known as the Narmada Bana Lingas or Narmadeshwar Shiva Lingas.

    The river Narmada is one of the Seven Holy Rivers of India. It is also famous as "Reva" , which is described as the "sweat" flowing out of Lord Shiva's own body when he performed his Divine "Tandhab dance" . It is also said that the natural Bana Lingas are self-manifest respresentations of God Shiva.Narmada Bana Lingas are as precious to Lord Shiva as Shalgram shila is for God Vishnu. 

     These Bana Lingas contain Crypto Crystalline Quartz and a Gemstone material called Chalcedony ( alongwith Basalt and Agate. This unique composition coupled with elliptical shape has a precise resonance in alignment with our Energy Centers or Chakras and are used for thousands of years as Divine Energy Generators for Cleansing, Healing and for Meditation.It is the considered that the unique composition of the Bana Lingas was formed 14 million years ago due to a a large meteorite that crashed into the Narmada River. The fusion of the Meteorite and the Earthly Minerals has spawned a new and unique type of Crystalline Rock with extraordinary energetic qualities - Bana Linga. The Bana Linga's upright egg shape represents the Pure Consciousness of Lord Shiva and the Holy Markings on the Sacred Stone represent the interactive aspect of Goddess Shakti Together, they represent the Union of Shiva and Shakti :

     Bana Linga has a legend to in the puranas.The demon King Bana ,the eldest of the one hundred sons of Bali was a great devotee of Shiva and to seek His Divine Blessings he performed severe penances for a long time, in the Holy Himalayas, invoking Lord Shiva's favour. Finally Lord Shiva appeared in answer to his austerities and agreed to grant him a boon. Banasura wished for himself One Thousand Arms carrying a multitude of weapons to destroy his enemies and desired that Goddess Parvathi consider him as her own son - he was bestowed with what he asked. Being pelased with him, Lord Shiva honoured Bali by giving him his own representation in the form of Swayambu Shiva Linga, hence the name Bana Linga.

    These Banalingas were worshipped by different Gods and deities.So these Bana Lingas carry the different marks characteristic of these Gods :

(1) Conch Shell mark on top indicates it has been worshipped by Lord Maha Vishnu.
(2) Lotus Mark denotes it was worshipped by Lord Brahma.
(3) Parasol mark reveals it was worshipped by Lord Indr .
(4) Heads mark shows it was worshipped by Lord Agni.
(5) Three Steps denote it was worshipped by Lord Yama.
(6) Mace mark indicates it was worshipped by Lord Isana.
(7) Water Vase mark shows it was worshipped by Lord Varuna.
(8) Banner mark denotes it was worshipped by Lord Vayu.

    It is said that mainly there are nine types of Banalingas -
(a) Swayambhu - honey coloured with two dark rings
(b) Mrityunjaya - variegated colours with marks resembling spear and colis of matted hair
(c) Nilakantha - elongated and white coloured with a black spot
(d) Trilochana - white coloured with eye-like marks
(e) Kalagni Rudhra - lustrous and dark, stout with matted-hair like marks
(f) Tripurari - honey coloured with white marks resembling the sacrificial chord across and with lotus at the base
(g) Isana - clear crystal with the top twany brown and marks of a trident
(h) Ardhanariswara - white coloured on one side and red coloured on the other side
(i) Maha Kala - slightly red in hue, shining, stout and longish in shape

    The famous Tantric Text "Yoga Sara" of Kaula gives a separate dhyana and mantra for the worship of Bana Lingas, which is completely different from the standard worship ritual offered to Lord Shiva. This procedure in heavily tantric in orientation and involves a lot of visualising capabilities and might not be suitable to the householder.Rigorous worship of any Sacred Object like the Narmada Bana Linga is always good, but it is not obligatory. The mere presence of a Banalinga is said to grace its environment with harmony, mental peace, prosperity and protection. Regular worship of the Lingam with the Sacred Mantras cause a powerful internal reverberation which is absorbed by the Bana Linga. With consistent worship, this energy is slowly released and emitted to the surrounding environments, and is specially known to have the capacity to negate the accumulated karmic burdens of its worshipper.The Bana Linga helps one to unite the lower self with the higher self so that we may know our own divinity. It brings believers into the mystical union with Godby healing and opening the chakras and thus activating the kundalini energy and the seven chakras. In this way It awakens the energy centers and brings feelings of peace and well being.

Seven - Life and Death

           Seven - Life and Death

Life and death are the alternate situation of every human lives.If life comes can death be far behind? So why should we care for the inevitable?Why should not we keep moving towards the life enjoying the Divine moments that we can experience here?Live life instead of die before the death thinking about the ultimate perish..If you ask me,I will say,"We should neither care for life nor for death..Just go on the way of the divinity eradicating all pressures to block us..go on using the positives of the life and if on your way you feel threatened about death,just have a glimpse of the book "From The World Beyond Death" and your fear for death will be vanished..I have written in this book about a yogi's journey to the world after death and everything was written there on the experience. There is no death,only the decaying of the physical instead..So feel the life to fill up the blanks that death creates in our mind.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Six -Span of 4 yugas as mentioned in the shastras

Span of 4 yugas as mentioned in the shastras

Four are the ages in the land of Bharata: the krita, treta, dwapara and kali. The krita yuga lasts for 4800 divine years, the treta for 3600, the dwapara for 2400 and the kali for 1200; and, then, another krita begins.
The krita or satya yuga is an age of purity; it is sinless. Dharma, righteousness, is perfect and walks on four feet in the krita. However, from the treta yuga, adharma, evil, comes to the world and the very fabric of time begins to decay. Finally, the kali yuga, the fourth age, is almost entirely corrupt, with dharma barely surviving, hobbling on one foot.
A chaturyuga, a cycle of four ages, is 12,000 divine years, or 365 x 12,000 human years long. Seventy-one chaturyugas make a manvantara; fourteen manvantaras, a kalpa. A kalpa of a thousand chaturyugas, 12 million divine years, is one day of Brahma, the Creator.
8,000 Brahma years make one Brahma yuga; 1,000 Brahma yugas make a savana and Brahma’s life is 3,003 savanas long. One day of Mahavishnu is the lifetime of Brahma

Three hundred and sixty-five human years make one year of the Devas and the Pitrs, the Gods and the ancestors.
(A compilation from the shastras)